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Patients in Receipt of

Pension Credits


A new Pension Credit scheme has been introduced to replace income support for those over the age of 60.  The Pension Credit provides a guaranteed Income for recipients and their partners, and for the first time ever there is also a revised Savings Credit designed to help those people over the age of 65 who have made some modest provision for their retirement.

Pension Credit comprises GUARANTEE CREDIT and SAVING CREDIT.

Pension Credit Guarantee Credit entitles the holder and his /her partner to Help towards the cost of Spectacles at the same rates as the NHS Voucher Scheme for Spectacles. (even if your partner is under 60, they are entitled to the same level of help)

 Saving Credit entitles people over 65 who have made some provision for their retirement, to a free sight test only, however as many of this group will still be on Low Income they MAY be entitled to some help. This group of people will however need to claim for additional help by completing the HC1 which can be found in Post offices, Social Security Offices, and many Opticians Practices.


 Practice visitors claiming these benefits will need to produce PROOF OF ENTITLEMENT in the form of the letter entitled “How you’re Pension Credit Has Been Worked Out” which they will have received from the Department of Work and Pensions. This document gives person information which the holder may wish the practice staff not to see so it is suggested that they fold the letter just to show item 5 on the document which shows the level of entitlement.  Only the Award Notice shows the level of entitlement. Pension Books are all marked “Pension Credit” but it quite clearly states that Savings Credit on its own does not automatically entitle the holder to help with health costs.




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