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Your Sight test

As we are a Family Practice your Eye Examination will usually be Carried out by Mr Antony Lord BSC (Hons) who is also a partner in the Practice and a fully Qualified Optometrist who has worked at the Practice for many Years, in fact he has worked at Eye 2 Eye since leaving school, and continued to work with us at the Practice on a part time basis whilst studying for his degree in Optometry at Bradford University. As a consequence of this he has experience in each area of expertise within the Practice, from receptionist, technician, dispenser, and now as the Optometrist.

We at Eye 2 Eye recomend that regular eye examinations become, and remain, a very important part of your health routine, because as well as checking whether you vision needs correcting with spectacles, an eye examination can reveal early signs of cataracts and other aspects of your general health. For example early signs of Glaucoma and diabetes are just two of the conditions which may be detected by an Optometrist, both of which can be easily treated if detected early enough.

We recommended that a full eye examination should be carried out at least once every two years, and in some circumstances we will recommend that you have a sight exam on a more regular basis, as a precautionary measure.

People in their 60's are more at risk from degenerative eye diseases than people who are in there thirties for example. So a annual check is usually recommended for this age group.

Children who need spectacles should have more frequent examination so that changes in vision can be monitored and corrected as they grow. We often recommend that children have an sight exam every six months, and in very young children, as often as every three months.

On completion of an eye examination the Optometrist will advise each Patient on ways of maintaining the best visual health. If you require corrective lenses we help you choose the best frame for you, and we will also advise on the type of lenses which are available to you.

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